Statistical Shape Modelling
Statistical shape models are one of the most important technologies in computer vision and medical image analysis.
With this technology, the computer learns the characteristic shape variations of an object or organ. The model resulting from this analysis may then be used in implant design, image analysis, surgery planning and many other fields.
In this free online course, you will get insights from mathematics, statistics and machine learning, in order to address practical problems, as well as a theoretical and practical introduction to the open source software Scalismo.
This software is used today for the automatic detection of organs in medical images or the design of medical implants. You will come to a point where you can use your acquired skills and knowledge for real-world professional applications or academic research.
About the course
This course is provided as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Every year, a course run is held on the FutureLearn learning platform (Next start is planned for February). For more details on the course, please watch the trailer video, read the course description and requirements and register your interest in the upcoming session of the MOOC
During the eight weeks of the run, online learners have the opportunity to access the course resources, collaborate and discuss with each other and with the educators, and also take part in different tests and quizzes to assess their understanding of the presented material.
This course page compiles a list of links for resources part of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Statistical Shape Modelling that was held on the FutureLearn platform from Feb to April 2019 (8 weeks).
If you registered on FutureLearn during the course run, additional course resources including quizzes, learners comments and educator explanations should still be available on your FutureLearn account. These are not accessible from this page.
Scalismo versions
Pleae note that, to ensure coherence with the video tutorials, the software tutorials presented in the resources above are based on an old version of Scalismo (v0.10). For an updated version of these tutorials using the latest Scalismo version, please check the Scalismo Tutorials page (code only, no video or article resources).