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Social Judgments of Faces
Researchers Sandro Schönborn, Andreas Schneider, Andreas Forster, Bernhard Egger
Project Partner Dr. Mirella Walker
Funding own resources
Project Duration ongoing
In collaboration with our psychological research partner Mirella Walker, we develop new technologies to manipulate faces with respect to ascribed personality traits. We use 3DMM technology to measure people's social judgments when they only see a static face image. Without any other information but a neutral portrait image, subjects take consistent judgments about personality traits of the depicted people. The Morphable Model serves to quantitatively associate the ascribed traits with changes in the face. We can thus find and measure typical properties of a face which correspond with the perception of a specific trait. Using this information, we actively manipulate faces such that subjects perceive the face differently. Our photorealistic manipulations are predictable and consistent with human judgments.

Publication Portraits made to measure: Manipulating social judgments about individuals with a statistical face model.
Mirella Walker and Thomas Vetter
Journal of Vision, 9(11):12, 1-13, 2009, http://journalofvision.org/9/11/12/ doi:10.1167/9.11.12.