Three courses are taught regularly (in German):
Computer Graphik I
Grundlagen der Programmierung
For details as well as more courses please refer to the website of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science or the University of Basel's online course directory.
Online courses and tutorials:
| Shape Modelling - Computing the Human Anatomy
Probabilistic Image Fitting
The GraVis group has developed a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Using theory developed in the field of statistics and machine learning, the MOOC will discuss a unifying framework for shape modeling using Gaussian processes, and show the connection to many popular methods in image analysis and shape modelling. The first run of the MOOC on FutureLearn took place in spring 2016.
Now, all course materials are available for download on our own site. You are very welcome to take a look!
To the course materials
The next FutureLearn run will be in spring 2018.
To the MOOC on FutureLearn