Shape Modelling using Gaussian Process Morphable Models [pdf]
Marcel Lüthi, Andreas Forster, Thomas Gerig and Thomas Vetter
IN: Statistical Shape and Deformation Analysis - Methods, Implementation and Applications (Chapter 1) published by Elsevier 2017
Probabilistic Morphable Models [pdf]
Bernhard Egger, Sandro Schönborn and Thomas Vetter
IN: Statistical Shape and Deformation Analysis - Methods, Implementation and Applications (Chapter 5) published by Elsevier 2017
3D Morphable Face Model,a Unified Approach for Analysis and Synthesis of Images [pdf]
Sami Romdhani, Jean-Sebastien Pierrard and Thomas Vetter
IN: Face Processing: Advanced Modeling and Methods (Eds. Wenyi Zhao and Rama Chellappa) to be published by Academic Press (A Division of Reed Elsevier Inc.)
Morphable Models of Faces [pdf]
Sami Romdhani, Volker Blanz, Curzio Basso and Thomas Vetter
IN: Handbook of Face Recognition, Edited by Stan Li and Anil Jain, Springer-Verlag, January 2004
Flexible Models of Human Faces for the Analysis and Synthesis of Images. Morphable Models of Faces
Thomas Vetter
IN: Handbook on Computer Vision and Applications. (Eds.) B. Jähne, H. Haussecker, and P. Geissler. Academic Press, Vol. 3. 501--514. (1999)
Generalization to Novel Views from a Single Face Image
Volker Blanz and Thomas Vetter
IN: Face Recognition: From Theory to Applications. (Eds.) Wechsler, Phillips,pp 310--326, Springer, Series F: Vol 163.
Maschinelle Bildsynthese und Bildanalyse von Gesichtern [pdf]
Thomas Vetter
IN: Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Beitrage zum Heinz-Billing Preis 1997 (Eds.) Theo Plesser, Peter Wittenburg GWDG-Berichte No 51, pp. 79-97, (1997)
Recognition and Structure from one 2D Model View: Observations on Prototypes, Object Classes and Symmetries
Thomas Vetter and Tomaso Poggio
IN: Human Symmetry Perception and its Computational Analysis. Tyler,C.W., eds.,VSP. pp 349-359. (1996)
Recognition and Structure from one 2D Model View: Observations on Prototypes, Object Classes and Symmetries
Tomaso Poggio and Thomas Vetter
IN: Homage to Galileo, Mazzoldi,~P., editor, pages 247- 277, Cleup Editrice. (1992)