In many practical applications, a target shape we want to analyse is given as an image. With the following questions you can check if you understand how this is done and why model fitting is so useful for image segmentation.
Question 1
Why is fitting shapes in images more difficult than fitting shapes that are represented as contours or surfaces? Multiple answers are possible.
Question 2
A solution to the model fitting problem directly implies a solution to the segmentation problem. Why is this the case?
Question 3
Why do we need a probabilistic model of the intensities and cannot use a fixed intensity pattern for describing the intensities around a point?
Question 4
Why is image segmentation such a difficult problem? Multiple answers are possible.
Question 5
In the Active Shape Model (ASM) algorithm, the intensities are often not modelled directly, but the gradient (i.e. the difference between intensities) is modelled instead. Why?