Welcome to Statistical Shape Modelling!
Welcome to our course Statistical Shape Modelling: Computing the Human Anatomy. Over the next eight weeks, you will learn to use our shape modelling software Scalismo and, at the same time, learn to understand the mathematical concepts behind Scalismo.
Dr. Marcel Lüthi and Dr Ghazi Bouabene are the lead educators in this course. Other people you will meet are Professor Thomas Vetter, the head of the research group in which Scalismo was developed, Dr Marc Metzger, a doctor and surgeon who uses shape modelling technology for his work, and Dr Stefan Schlager, a biological anthropologist who will show you the advantages introduced to his work by shape modelling. Finally, Antonia ‘the voice’ will be the narrator in this course.
Now, we wish you a good start!
1-1: Introducing the course from NMC Universität Basel on Vimeo.